Falling Through Space Stations. Sometimes No Man’s Sky gets really buggy when you’re in Space Stations, particularly in multiplayer. It’s entirely possible to randomly fall through the floor. There are two kinds of these experiences: you either fall through the floor and simply can’t get back up. In that case, relog. 180 litre aquarium falling through floor ??? help please im going to get a 180 litre fish tank, i already have 2 60 litre tanks but i need more space but im wworried incase it falls through the floor. it willl be in my bedroom.
15 Amazing Ideas With Interior Aquariums House design
Google search “fish tank falling through floor” and find no pictures. What’s more common is slanting from pretty large aquariums and old or poorly built floors, which could cause the tank to blow a seam. But if you see your aquarium leaning dangerously, drain it. Not that I think yours would. If you want to be positive, I agree with ryanr.

Aquarium falling through floor. Anypne have a floor give out? I live in a first floor flat that is constructed from cement and steel and I am soon to be setting up a 63 gallon and have had the same worries but I'm pretty sure it will be fine especially with today's strict building regulations but the worry is still there at the back of my mind. Another thing to think about is the average bath holds 67 gallons of water which equates to around 304L. Almost every household has a bath and I've never heard of anyones bath falling through the floor. My house is fairly old and when I moved in, there was an old wrought iron bath which weighed an absolute tonne. Fish tank falling through floor New to the Hobby. Member of Northern Arizona Marine Aquarium Society (NAMAS) Current Tank Info: 125g AGA MegaFlow - 150lbs Fiji live rock - 50g DIY sump/fuge - Tunze 9010/9015 Skimmer - Eheim 1260 - 2x Seio 1500 - 5x 80w IceCap T5 Retro - PhosBan Reactor 150 - AC Jr. Controller - Typhoon III RO/DI - Mixed Reef.
Actually, most stands have "feet" similar to us. If you had a 700 pound tank sitting on 6 4x4's uprights you are looking at a surface area of 73.5sq inches on the floor. That makes the total load on the floor damn near 1400lbs per square foot. A 4x4 is actually 3.5x3.5 . FWIW I opted to explore without it but realized that would be difficult when I found the aquarium. I went back to where I left my prawn at the entrance of the facility. I saved since the suit was still working, but got stuck immediately trying to take it up the first ramp. When I reloaded I started falling through the world infinitely. As was previously said, make sure you place the stand perpendicular to the floor joists on the ground floor of the structure, preferably next to a load baring wall. If you own the home, I'd recommend spending the 50 bucks it takes to get 4x4's and reinforce the floor from the basement as well (definitely if load-baring wall placement is not.
Myth #14: "My floor was doing fine until I put that 75 gallon aquarium in the room. Now the aquarium is causing the floor to bounce." Actually, your aquarium is doing the exact opposite. The stationary weight of your aquarium is acting to dampen some of the floor vibrations due to foot traffic. Please give me some input if you can before I start filling it with water because I never liked surprises too much as a kid and I really hate bad surprises even worse now (like the aquarium falling through the floor as I fill it with water). Thanks for any comments and advice I get in advance. Water seeping into the wood beneath your tank can cause the subfloor to rot, and without warning, you could end up dealing with a tank falling right through the floor, or falling over in the room. While most water-related insurance policies cover an accident such as a pipe breaking or an unexpected flood, be sure that your provider covers any.
I seriously doubt your tub is going to crash through to the floor below. If it starts happening, you’ll feel it and be able to get to safety long before it actually falls through. My guess is that it will be fairly safe to take a bath. Probably the situation will help you save water, as you’ll use less water in the tub and take a shorter bath. The problem is not that the tank will fall through the floor The issue is that over time the floor will sag and put stress on your tank; possibly causing it to split a seam. It only takes a fraction of an inch sag under one leg to cause the stand/tank to twist. The twisting force puts considerable force on the silicon seams and center brace. The problem is that it can cause structural damage to the floor, and cause the floor to sag. When the floor sags enough, the tank will be far out of level, the pressure on the seams will increase, and the tank will fail. The tank won't fall through the floor, but all the water will be on the floor.
I’m sorry, I had to laugh at your comment. If the floor is designed properly it’s designed with a fudge factor for weight and movement such that reasonable weights and movement are within the structural design criteria. A proper design includes th... I've heard stories from contractors of furniture falling through second story floors due being too heavy for the floor to support. Water weighs 8+ pounds per gallon, so this would be a lot of weight and i would not recommend doing this. A 20-gallon aquarium (75 liters) will way over 200 pounds. A 92-gallon (378 liters) corner aquarium weighs more than 1050 lbs (476 kilograms). That’s heavy. It might be the heaviest thing in your house. You certainly don’t want your saltwater aquarium falling through the floor, or off the shelf or breaking the stand.
anyone have a story of tank falling through floor? i'm in the second story of an apartment built in the 70-80's. just wondering if anyone of you have heard or know from experience about tanks actually falling over from poor foundation or falling through the floor. I can't see it being anywhere near 600kg TBH. It's a similar size to the standard 3ft tanks everyone has. Unless you live in a really old house and have to creep around for fear of falling through the floor you'll be fine. I had my 3ft tank on a heavy real wood chest of draws that probably weighed 200kg and that was fine for a few years (upstairs).
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